Sandra is a full time professional landscape artist working from her studio in the Wyre Forest. She gained her B A Hons in Painting & History of Art and Design in 1995.She is also a qualified lecturer and taught in Further Education as well as working as a freelance artist leading community arts projects such as Art in Mind and Sandwell Third Age Arts - a charity providing access to the arts for the elderly and people with dementia.She had her first solo exhibition in 1994 ‘Confronting The Foundry’ after a 3 month artist in residence with Newby Foundry, Wednesbury. Other activities include being a founder member of Sanctum Artists Workshop and one of her paintings has been used on a bottle of Whisky - Lochranza produced by Arran Whisky Distillery.
Her current Woodland Series endeavours to convey the physical, sensuous experience of her journeys through the surrounding landscape where she lives in the Wyre Forest. Trees shine in the glint of water; rays of sunlight lead into deep formidable dark masses of vegetation are heightened by the myriad of movements and sounds. Nature has long been acknowledged and accepted for what it has to offer in the way of healing and beauty. Her heavily textured work attempts to share this experience of the landscape to encourage us to consider what we now have and undoubtedly must protect.
She gathers visual references en plein air and works in an intuitive, expressive manner. She uses different size pallete knives and trowels building up layers and textures with the use of controlled flicks and movements.
Sandra exhibits widely her works are held in both public and private collections both at home and abroad.